Registration is closed for this event
10 & Under Academy Spring24; 10 & Under, Thursday 5.00-7.00pm; 11 January - 28 March excluding 15 February (Half Term); 11 weeks. Please note that for all players attending Red/Orange/Green courses. the fee includes club membership

Everyball Tennis11 "Academy" Programme

Halton Tennis Centre and Everyball Tennis has been awarded LTA 10 and under Performance Programme status.  This status ensures our coaching team are provided with the most up to date and cutting edge training via a bespoke programme delivered by the LTA's Performance Coach Education department.

Our Academy sessions are by invitation and require players to train twice a week and commit to regular competition.  Individual and/or small group private lessons are also encouraged.

Club Membership

Please note that for all players attending Red/Orange/Green courses, the fee includes club membership

How to Book & Pay

Please register your child by completing the booking form.

It is our aim that no child should miss out on the opportunity to attend 2 Academy sessions as part of their training program.  With this in mind, we are offering different payment options:-

1. Payment can be made in 2 tranches - payment 1 during the first week of term (to cover one squad day for the term); payment 2 can be made following Half-Term (to cover the second squad payment).

2. Payment can be made in full for 2 squads at the beginning of term.

3. If you are experiencing difficulty paying the course fees this term, we ask that you get in touch with Mike at

We request that payment is made by Internet Bank Transfer using the account below.

Halton Tennis Centre     Sort Code 20 03 18    Account No. 10061433

To help administration please provide Course Code, Day(s), Surname, and time in the payment reference as much as you can. E.g. 10&UA/Tue&Thur/Jones/5pm

Please note the Thursday 10& Under Academy session is 2 hours:-  5pm - 7pm
January 11th, 2024 5:00 PM to March 28th, 2024 7:00 PM
Halton Tennis Centre
Chestnut End
Halton Village
Aylesbury, BKM HP22 5NS
United Kingdom
Phone: 07958 008312
Event Fee(s)
Booking Fee £278.00